Deer Firearms - Day 8 - Saturday 16 DEC

Alex and I got up early to head out into the 20 mph wind.  It was 24 F.  Not a great time to be climbing a deer stand unless you are dressed like Bob Gregory's kid (if that reference is too vague for you, think Randy, Ralphie's little brother, in A Christmas Story).

Alex walked N onto Neal.  I walked E to the bottoms on Marshall's N farm.  At least I would be out of the wind!  I had not gone 100 yards when I saw what I thought might be a young deer coming across the field.  Nope, the gait is wrong.  It's a coyote.  Nope, I hear a dog.  Must be a dog.  Wait, the dog is in the yard.  It IS a coyote.  No shot as it was too close to the house.  It winded me and bolted.  I continued on down the road.

This coyote, however, wanted to go S really bad as I caught it again trying to sneak around Harold's implements on the other side of the house.  It saw me again, and that was the last time the two of us would meet today.  Again, no viable shots.  And all this excitement before legal deer hours.

I pushed the entire bottoms and then walked up top and out the killing finger.  My goal was to either bust something or push it to Alex - neither of which happened.

I made it back to the truck by 0900 (approx. 2 hours in the woods).  Alex said the E stand was still under water - well ice at this point, so he went to the W stand.  He only made it an hour before Mother Nature forced him to hunt from the ground - out of the cold, cold wind.

We drove into Frankfort for breakfast - a warm breakfast.  We saw zero deer this morning in the woods.  However, on the way to breakfast we saw three doe.  Hey, at least we saw deer.

The sun coming up over the bottoms on Marshall's N farm.


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