Deer Firearms Day 6 - Thanksgiving!

The Good Lord had blessed us with more than we deserve, that's a fact.  But we got up early to commune with Him & Mother Nature.  I picked up Alex and Nick at 6:30 am.  We drove to the golf course and awaited first light.  It was 24 degrees out with only a slight breeze - finally.

Alex headed to Hole #4 to block the S.  Nick went to over-watch on Hole #16.  I walked up #17 and promptly jumped a bedded buck and doe.  They ran W, where there were houses, completely blocking any chance at a shot.  I did not even pick up my gun.  I continued up 17 and as I was about to make my turn E, I heard the hunter to the N fire.  I turned around and went back down 17.  I walked the maintenance path to the pump house and stayed along the woods on Hole #14.  I could see the other hunter was still in his stand.  He must have missed.

And then Nick fired.  He texted that he felt good about his shot, but that he was staying put.  I continued down to Hole #15 to block the E and then told Nick to start tracking.  It did not take long.  Nick's deer had fallen about 40 yards from the shot, but behind bushes where Nick could not see him.

When telling the story, the buck walked up behind Nick from the bottom of Hole #9, across Hole #8, and into the woods.  Nick had to wait until the buck crossed N of him before he had an open shot, which he took.

I helped Nick drag the deer out of the woods to the fairway.  We walked back to the truck where Alex met us - he had not seen a thing all morning.  They loaded the deer into a golf cart to bring it back to the truck.  We celebrated with a beer.

We met cousin Shane at the Compound and the younger two boys gutted the buck.  We then fixed lunch, picked up Pa Jerry, and drove to Flora to visit with DC.  Nick and I left the old men and drove the deer on up to Frank's in Young America.  There was no one there but us.  Frank was shutting down for the day.  He said this is a record low for deer turned in.  Wow.

We went back to pick up Pa Jerry.  He and DC had figured that for the past 52 straight years they had been hunting together on Thanksgiving (I have been a part of that for the past 35 years).  This is the first year that, while they are together, are not hunting.  Each hunt is a gift.  Take full advantage of them!

Nick and I grilled ribeye steaks for dinner.  It was truly a day to be Thankful for...

Sunrise overlooking the green on Hole #15.  Awesome!

Nick's "half-rack" buck.  That's okay.  We don't eat the antlers anyways.

And this, This is how you "drag" a deer to the truck!

The Three Amigos enjoying a beer on Thanksgiving.


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