Deer Firearms - Day 5 - Weds 22 NOV

Man did it get cold last night.  I woke up to 26F.  At least the wind has died down to a respectable 8 mph.  I met RePhil at Marshall's N farm at 6:45.  It's now down to 24F.  Our game plan was similar to last night, but only I was not going to walk all the way to him.

I had taken my clothes inside last night to dry them out.  I had forgotten my hat.  When I picked it up this morning, it was frozen solid and flat as a Frisbee.  Not wearing that one.  Fortunately I had a back-up beanie in the truck.  I wore it instead.

I again walked down the road to the bottoms.  Along the way this morning, a truck stopped and the driver & I had a chat.  His name is Adam.  He said he has seen one doe this year, but shot seven coyotes.  He said the Haynes (S of the road) shot a nice double-brow tine buck.  He had pictures.  It was a nice buck.

I sat in the bottoms only about 100 yards N.  Since it was so cold, the rain from last night was frozen and walking silently was impossible.  Crunch, crunch, crunch.  I saw one squirrel.

Poor RePhil was in the fence row, face into the wind.  He was a cold little puppy dog this morning.  I know because (a) he told me, and (b) my tears froze to my face when I walked back to the truck.

Again we saw zero deer.  I told RePhil that we might as well be hunting dragons - because we have seen just as many as them as we have deer.

Three flocks of Sandhill Cranes did fly over this morning and RePhil saw some geese.  We sat in the warm truck for about 20 minutes just to get the feeling back in our faces, fingers, and toes.  All in the name of filling the freezer!

Facing W in Marshall's bottom ground.
Frost on the grass, frozen rain on the trees, and the sun coming up.
Beautiful, but cold!

As of today, the score sits at Dragons - 5; Hunters - 0


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