Hunt Day 16 - Sunday, 20 DEC

The thermometer was at 38 degrees F this morning, with a wind chill of 35.  That's more like it.  The wind was still up:  8 mph steady and 22 mph gusts.

I picked up Davey at 0700 and we went out to Marshall's S woods.  I dropped Davey off along the creek to the W and drove around to park E of the square woods.  Our goal was to get out of the wind.

I walked E and then S to the swamp.  I took this sunrise photos along the way.

I just got out of the truck and this was waiting for me.
Sunrise Sunday Dec 20, 2015
Marshall's South Farm

As I continued to walk, I took this photo.

And finally, only me and a coyote got to see this perspective of the sun rise.

As I was heading to the swamp, I heard something break in front of me.  It was too far away to be a rabbit, and it was too small to be a deer.  I stepped out from behind a tree and saw a black coyote running South.  If only he would have broken to the W, I could have taken him.  Oh well.  I did get a cool picture out of the deal.

I walked around the swamp looking for a place to sit out of the wind.  It did not exist.  Davey texted me at 0900 asking what I had seen.  Nada.  Him too.

It did not take much to convince him to meet me at the truck for a beer and then we would drive into Frankfort and eat breakfast at Hoops.  So we did.  No deer were even seen this morning.  We ate well and were gifted with a beautiful sunrise.  Still winning!


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