Hunt Day 13 - Saturday 12 DEC

Okay, so we took a long break from hunting.  First off, we had to as there is a week of no gun hunting in Indiana.  Secondly, we spent 12 days in Cancun on the beach.  Sorry, have to keep Mama happy too!

We returned to 67 degree weather.  Tough for deer to move in the daylight when it's that warm.  We are now in the Muzzle Loading deer season here in Indiana.

Our initial plan was for Alex to hunt on Vice along the creek.  Nick would sit the killing finger in Marshall and I would hunt the bottoms.  As we dropped Alex off, the Colonel was out on his 4-wheeler.  He was heading off to check his trap line.  He also told us that 4 doe were on the E side of the property (where we do not have his permission to hunt).  We call an audible.

Alex goes to the E stand on Neal, Nick to the finger, and me in the bottoms.  Here is the shot as we are walking in at 4 pm on 12-12-15 and it's 67 F.

As I stroll N, one doe comes along the creek on the E side (not where we can hunt).  She walks to me, spooks, runs across the field E, up the ridge and is gone.  That's the only deer any of us will see.  I speculate that the Colonel scared her my way. 

I continue along the creek.  Took a few nice photos.  Easy day for a walk.  Should have been wearing shorts and my hunter's orange tank top.

Walking N along the creek on Marshall's N farm.  12-12-15.
Notice how green everything still is?

Walking along the creek on Marshall's bottoms.  Wonderful mid-west scenery.

We head back to the truck for some liquid refreshments.  Even though legal shooting light is up to 5:50 pm, we are already in the truck by 5:40 pm.  That's dark enough, especially if you are in the woods.  Too dark for us to feel comfortable shooting anyway.

Any night in the woods is a good night.  Seeing deer just makes it great!


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