Deer Day 23 - Saturday, 20 DEC

Alex and I picked up Dave at 6:45 am.  It was 25 F with very little wind.  We dropped Alex off at Vice's, but it still being dark, we sat in the truck for 30 minutes and shot the bull.

Alex walked in on Vice to the creek.  Davey walked N to the killing finger and I went in the bottoms on Marshall.

At about 8:30, Davey had one large doe come out from the E and walked into the bean field.  She'll eat beans no more because we're going to be eating her.  He dropped her at about 70 yards.  I would have sworn the shot came from the N and E of me, but that was due to the echos.

Alex saw one doe heading S, but she never made it to me.  The only thing I saw was Dave's dead doe.

As I walked N out of the bottoms, our neighbor to the W, let's just say his initials are JB (which may or may not be his real initials) came out and shot a pistol 10 times.  He was doing this to just be a ginormous AH.  We've had a couple of run-ins before and there is no love lost.  Oh well, he has a perfect right to shoot his pistol as many times as he wants.

We waited for RePhil to arrive - he was hunting Jenkins this morning and only saw two coyotes.  We loaded up and drove out to retrieve Dave's doe.

We sat there until we realized she was not going to load herself - which is about 2 beer's worth.

We had plans for the afternoon and thus did not go out at all Saturday night.

Dave's first and only kill of this year.  Nice doe with a muzzle loader.


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