Time off Deer Hunting for Pheasants

Davey, Re-Phil and I took a day off to head for Batesville to hunt pheasants.  We drove down for 2 hours and walked around 2 different properties on Tuesday, 04 DEC.

We saw absolutely nothing.  N'er a shot was fired.

We drove on it to Oldenburg and ate lunch at Wagner's.  We had the place to ourselves, so Phil thought he'd have a shot at the bartender lady.  Wow, he can have her.

We ate fried chicken and drank Warnsteiner Dunkel.  We left after lunch so we could make it back for the Wildcat Conservation Club's rabbit fry.

Re-Tard made the mistake of leaving his hat in the back seat with Dave when he got out to pee.  Come on Man!  You know something like this is going to happen...

Yes, that's Re-Phil's hat coming out of Davey's pants.  THAT'S gonna need a washin'!


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