Sweet Corn for Sale!

 Once again, I MAY have planted too much sweet corn.  Oh well, we got the room and there ain't no reason for the seeds to go to waste.  I planted one pound of seed, which gave us 12 rows of corn 100 yards (91.4m) long and an additional 6 rows 50 yds (45.7m) long.  And yes, I planted those two sections one month apart to stagger when they'd be ready to eat.

We stopped counting at 400 dozen ears of corn picked.  And that does not include any lost to deer and raccoons.  And we gave all of that away to anyone and everyone who wanted any.  And it was tasty.

Well, obviously the kids heard us talking about the abundance that God & Mother Nature provided us - so they decided to set up their own stand within their playhouse.  It turned out pretty awesome!  Decide for yourself...

Chalk drawing of their sweet corn stand on their playhouse

They even posted a menu of how you could get your sweet corn


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