Squirrel Hunting?

 Davey and I entered the squirrel woods (Marshall's N Farm bottoms) at 7:30 am this past Saturday.  Dave had texted Brother Roach Friday night to see if we could hunt.  No reply.

It didn't matter.  We sat in the truck and drank our coffee.  That soon turned to having a beer.  We talked away the next 90 minutes - during which time, Roach texted back and said we had permission.

While we waited and talked, a small 6-pt buck walked out from the S, crossed the road, and disappeared to the N.  We also saw a squirrel to the S.

We finally got out and walked a loop around the bottoms.  We saw two more squirrels - that's it.  One came out at about 3 feet.  My gun is not scoped to shoot anything closer than 20 yards.  I aimed high.  I missed.

We saw our final squirrel on the way out.  Too far to get off a shot.  Our adventure in "hunting" ended there.

We like to thank our sponsors for today's trip:  Ruger, Leinenkugal, and Warsteiner.

From the "woods" we went up to Robert's South Fork and had us a wonderful lunch of catfish nuggets, Rocky Mt. oysters, and fries.  And maybe another beer or two.  One needs to stay hydrated.

What's that?  A potential new sponsor - Yuengling!

A shout out to Brother Sykes.  He was able to guess Where's Waldo from that picture alone.  Well played.  A great time was had by all!


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