Sneaky Dog

So one of Tiki's favorite things to do is run next door and visit her doggie friends at Kathy & Alex's house.  One of Tiki's least favorite things to do is come back home after play time is over.  Her friends get locked back up inside the house and the only thing to do is walk back home, sad.

After one of those Play Dates with the dogs, I started walking back home.  I soon realized I was alone.  I turned around and saw this:

Just looking at Kathy's house, right?

Look closer...

Now really close!

Poor, sad, little Tiki.  She's still on the porch hoping that (a) I don't see her, but more importantly, (b) that her friends will come back out and play.  And probably hoping that I don't see her.  I did.  I called her to me and we played on the way home.  It was a good Dog Day.


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