Hadley's Concert

Grandma & Papaw were watching all the kids one day last week.  Dictator & Ruler of the Free World Will was giving the orders as usual.  And, per standard practice, his sister was not allowed to participate.  In fact, she was invisible to him.  Will ordered Mallory around, which she dutifully complied.  

So Hadley brought her guitar into the Family Room as asked if we wanted to hear her concert.  Of course we did, but brother forbade it - she was not to play because he sets all the rules (see aforementioned title).  Grandma & Papaw ignored the dictator and asked where the concert would be held.  "In her room," was the reply.  We all, including dictator, Mallory, and baby Wes went into the girls' room (previously occupied by Mallory's daddy).  

Hadley started to play the guitar and sing.  Grandma & I oooh'd and awww'd.  When dictator saw the attention his sister was receiving, he ran into the Living Room and grabbed another toy that made music (aka noise).  He then came back and joined the concert.  It was at this time that I realized I should be recording this event for posterity.

Following is a link to a YouTube video of Hadley's concert - that started earlier but now includes Will playing too.  Watch for Will to run back in with his musical instrument (and I mean that in the loosest terms).  You can only see this video if you have the link as it is "unlisted."  It's 17 seconds of pure joy.  Take a look.  Click on the picture or the link below.



And no, I do not know the song she is singing - something about I am so alive.  Probably a church song?



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