Showing off the Grand Babies

I went over to Kathy and Alex's the other night to retrieve our dog - he went looking for people while we were away in San Antonio.  While I was there, Will, Alex, and I went out on their porch.  They have their "Fall" decorations up, which includes a straw bale.  I taught Will how to chew on the straw like a true hillbilly.

Note the bare feet!  

Then, when Will was over visiting last Wednesday, he wanted to use Papaw's computer.  So I hooked him up.  Turns out he did about 2X the work I normally do in a day!

Pushing the button on the headset to start talking via Skype!

Finally, Boppum and Pa Jerry came over for a visit while we had Mallory.  Took this photo of one proud Great Grandma...

Boppum and Mallory (3 months)


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