Planting Sunflowers June 18, 2016

Been quite busy.  So busy in fact that I have not updated this here blog in a while.  We're in the midst of a remodel of our house, two vacations, et cetera.  Now on to planting....

Yes we are aware that these should have been done last month.  Could not be helped.  Besides, we will have all the late season doves eating here at our place.

Went over and borrowed the Larhman's tractor and disc.  Got a flat tire on the way back here.  Plowed anyway.  Went over the ground thrice to get it ready.  It has not had anything in it for two, maybe three years, so it needed some TLC.

Here is a video of Alex pulling the disc.  A real farmer.  His boots make me laugh.

While Alex was using the disc, I hooked up the bush hog and mowed down what we were not going to plant.  We figure we planted about 2 acres and mowed one more.  That's enough for one day in the sun.

We used an OLD, and by old I mean older than Alex and my ages combined, hand spreader to plant the seeds.  It was quicker than a 2 row planter we used before.  However the seeds are not as even and may not come up at all.  We will have to wait and see.

Here is a video of Alex using the spreader:

We spent 4.5 hours out in the hot, dry sun working the land.  We need a little bit of rain to make the seeds sprout.  Come on Lord, what can you send us?

Even if nothing sprouts, it sure looks better over there.  Here are some photos.  Enjoy.

Farmer Alex discing up the land.
Picture taken facing NE.

Select this pic and blow it up so you can read the words.
Great outline of what we did today.
About 2 acres tilled and 1 acre mowed.
Picture taken facing SW.

Here we are all done.  Land disced.  Sunflowers planted.
Grass and old stalks mowed.  A good day.
Looks really nice too, eh?
Picture taken facing SE.


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