Establish Connection to Ambient Weather Station WS-2902C

 For a few years now, we have owned the Ambient Weather Station model WS-2902C.  It works rather well - except when you need to connect that SOB to a new router.  Lord have mercy!

I did a search on YouTube and found this helpful set-up guide by user Just A Dad:

Follow those steps and it MAY work.  I tried multiple times over an hour and could NOT get the dang thing to connect.  Why did I have to reconnect?  Because we updated our home router and the weather station was not accessing the Net.

I finally went to the App Store to see if maybe I did not get a recent update or something on my iPhone.  Nope.  All good.  However, the app has an average of 1.8 stars.  I read the comments and could not agree more - it's a royal pain in the arse to get that thing to connect.  It seems you just have to hold your mouth right.  I did try all the suggestions to no avail.

What finally worked for me?  I switched from an iPhone 13 Pro Max to an iPad 5th Gen.  Installed the app on it and it took the first time.  Quite frustrating to spend an hour trying everything to have it work on a different product.  

Oh well, it's up and running now.  That's all that matters.  Got hyper-accurate weather on the ranch once again.  I guess for the price ($180) it does really well.  At least the hardware does.  Software needs a bit of work.


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