TreeTop Adventures - A Must!

This past Saturday, the bride and I drove down to London, KY to visit with Sister Meg and her family.  As a "fun" activity we tried out the new TreeTop Adventures in the Levi Jackson State Park.

You don't know TreeTop Adventures?  Well it's not zip-lining, although there is some of that.  Think of it as American Ninja Warrior in the trees!  It was awesome.

It's not cheap.  $25 per person.  But you get to try as many different courses as possible in 90 minutes - do as many as you can.  Or, do like we did, and do one because after that you are really tired.  And, it's totally worth the cash!

There are four levels of courses:  white, green, blue, and black.  And like ski slopes, they go from 'a baby can do this' to 'only crazy people go here.' 

What to Expect
First you get your safety harness all strapped up.  Locked and Loaded.
Then you get an orientation on how to use the equipment along with what to expect "out there."
And before you can go on a course, you get to practice on the ground.
Finally, you work up to the starting deck where the staff starts you on your choice of courses.

Since we had never done this before, it was recommended that we start on a Green course.  Just so happened that one course was completely open - no one on it but us.  So off we went.
Interesting safety note.  There are two carabiners that attach you to the static safety lines.  They are interlocked so that one is "open" and the other is "locked."  The only way to go from one station to the next is to lock the open one onto the station.  This releases the second one to take off the previous station.  Hard to explain, but know this - once you start the course, the only way off is to finish.  You are ALWAYS locked onto the static line.  You cannot fall.

So we Ninja Warrior-ed through the first station, second station, and then began to question our intelligence.  This was GREEN!  And it was difficult.  Wow.  I cannot imagine the Blue or Black now.  Nephew Grant fell off a station - caught in the seated position by his harness and safety lines.  The staff came and used some contraption to help him back onto the course.  Sweet.

It took the three of us (niece, nephew, and me) an hour to get through the course.  I was exhausted and sweating through my shirt.  Totally wiped.  No extra courses for this dude.  But FUN - man we had a blast.  All three of us said we'd do it again!

Word to the wise.  There are no vending machines anywhere.  I cannot recommend enough that you stop by a convenience store and load up some Gatorade, water, or soda to rehydrate once you come off the course.  Take that stuff with you!  And go have fun.

So if you are in the London, KY area - do yourself a solid and go have some fun at this place.  Top billing from me.

And, it just so happens that there is a similar course here in Indiana.  The Go Ape tree top adventure course in Eagle Creek State Park.  I am putting this on my list of things to go do again!  Maybe take Porrill there in OCT.  You in buddy?


  1. Copy that! Sounds like a blast. Do I need to bring any special gear? ... that is, apart from my good looks and charming personality?

  2. I hear Sandy has recommended crutches. Sounds like a wise plan, although it brings to mind the terrifying nature of what lies ahead. One thing is for sure - we will DEFINITELUY need a photographer!


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