Shooting Bench Pilot in New Mexico Prairie Doggin'

So we took both benches on a trailer with us to New Mexico over Memorial Day (late May, first week of June) and used them as our "rest" for shooting prairie dogs.

First off I must say, riding around the New Mexico desert on a trailer was much smoother than I ever imagined.  We had zero difficulties riding on the trailer while the truck moved from shooting location to shooting location.  And the benches?  They are the Bomb!  They will be going back with us next year - with a few modifications.

Loading up the truck to head for the field.
Cooler of beer?  Check.
Enough Ammo?  Check.
Guns?  Check.
No Man's Land beef jerky?  Check.
We're good to go! 

The benches on the trailer behind the truck in the New Mexico desert

A close-up of the benches in use.
They are strapped to the trailer for stability.
Nick is using bipods, I am on a sand bag.

Modifications are going to include screwing the tops down.  The 3,000 mile ride put the hurts to the glue I used to hold them down.  They are going to need screws or we will lose the tops.  Next - places for our boxes of ammo / magazines and spent rounds.  And Nick would appreciate it if I remember to take along the bags to collect the expelled brass.  Seems they are hot enough to leave blisters!

While at the cabin, the drain was clogged, again.  Tree roots had grown in and we could not get the snake to make the 90 degree turn.  Tanner (rancher & owner) put a trash bag on his arm so he would not get his hands in the literal crap that was in the pipe.  Oh but he did.  Got it blown up on his shirt and face too.  We have not laughed that hard in a long time.  Eventually the plumber came out, dug up the line and replaced it.  Fixed it for good this time.  But, that meant 4 days of 'bucket showers' and not toilets.  We used 5 gallon buckets for both.  The women-folk all said, "Hell to the No" when asked if they would like to participate.  Ahh, roughin' it!

Tanner with a trash bag over his arm, attempting to keep away from the poo!


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