Some Bunny Adventures

Got out today, Sunday, 13 JAN 2019, with Davey and son-in-law Alex to hunt some bunnies.  There was about 6" of snow on the ground and although it blew overnight, it was not too awful bad today.  The temperature hung around 28F.

We walked Marshall's S farm along the creek.  We saw only one bunny track and zero bunnies.  We did see lots of deer tracks and a few coyote tracks.  We drove back and walked the swamp.  It is really THICK.  We all got cut up on the briars and saw ONE bunny for about 0.75 seconds.  Not even enough time to pull up the gun before he was gone...On our way out, we busted three doe in the square woods.  The ran N, across the train tracks, and into the woods.

We then drove to Marshall's N farm and walked the bottoms.  We saw tons of deer tracks.  But again, we saw zero signs of bunnies.  By now it's almost 11 o'clock and time for lunch.

Our watches said we logged 2.92 miles this morning, but I can guarantee that the calories are off.  This was not "normal" walking on smooth ground in gym shorts.  We had several layers of clothes on, boots, hats, and were carrying guns across all kinds of terrain.  Each time we got back in the truck, we were sweating.  It was a work-out.  Especially for fat, out of shape, Dad Bods like us.

When we left the N farm, we had to go BACK to the S farm.  Seems that Davey took off his gloves to unload his gun before getting into the truck.  Smart.  Safe.  Except he left them sitting on the rear tire of the truck as we drove away.  When did he notice?  When he did not have any gloves at the N farm.  I loaned him a pair.  Kinda reminds us all of the time he left his GUN resting on the back tire of the truck.  Becoming a habit...

So why didn't we see any bunnies today?  Our best guess is that the snow might be too deep or we were not in the right spot or the coyotes beat us to them.  We had fun though!

Deer bed at the N end of Marshall's N woods in the bottoms.
We ended up counting seven or more.

 The three amigos at the N end in the bottoms

A pair of gloves in the tire tracks - done been runned over.
At least we found them!


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