Another Coyote Hunt - Full of Adventure

Krueger and I went out to call coyotes on Saturday, 05 JAN.  Krueger initially wanted a 7 am pickup.  I talked him into 7:15.

We drove out to Marshall's S farm.  It was a slight 6 mph wind from the W and 31F.  Clear and quiet with a light frost on the ground.

We parked below the hill and walked up to the top.  About halfway down to our sit spot, Krueger spotted a very large coyote walking E to W in the middle of the field.  I set up the tripod and asked for a hold-over.  The coyote left before we got a shot off.  We called.  Nothing else came.

We left there and went to the fertilizer plant.  This time, due to the close quarters, we took a shotgun instead of a rifle.  Krueger set the call up to my right and the Mojo decoy in a slight ravine about 10 yards in front of me.  I squatted down with a large oak tree to my back.  Krueger hit the call.  A very large barn owl responded - it swooped in - grabbed the decoy - and few off!  Krueger yells out, "He's got my decoy!"  I could not reply as I was too busy laughing.  Neatest thing I have seen in a long time.  We never recovered the radio antennae or the fur.  Mr. Barn Owl has them for safe keeping now.

We drove back to my place and called at the curve, hoping to pull something out of the prairie grass.  Nothing showed.  So we switched to crow calls.  We pulled three in from Tippecanoe County.  I missed.

Then we drove over to Burkhalter's and sat behind the pig barn (yes, it stunk).  Along the way we spotted 6 - 8 deer out feeding.  We kicked a Bald Eagle out of the woods as we walked in.  We called to no avail.

At least we saw a coyote today.  Probably should have been out earlier.  We had fun and witnessed a lot.  Enjoyable being out to say the least.

Sun coming up on Marshall's S farm.  Note the frost.

Looking down the 6.5 Creedmoor barrel.
Yes, it is suppressed.  Yes, we are legal on all accounts.

Looking to where the coyote WAS.  He's gone now.

The Mojo decoy on the ground after being attacked by a HUGE Barn Owl

A comparison.  Note on the left no antennae or fur ball.
Mr. Owl has those in the woods somewhere.


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