Coyote Hunting - Sunday 16 DEC

Since it was such a nice day, like 50F, sunny, and only a slight westward breeze, we decided to go call coyotes this evening.  

We started here on my property.  Walked to the curve and called W.  Nothing.

We went to Marshall's S farm and called S.  Saw a small buck (4 or 6 pt) heading SE.  No coyotes.

Drove to Krueger's and along the way we saw 2 deer on Huffers, end of Bailey's, on the E side.  We walked to Kruger's stand.  I sat up there, he on the ground.  We saw 6 deer, including 2 shooter bucks.  We had an owl attack the decoy.  But again, no coyotes.  Tracks?  Yep, saw those.  No 'yotes.

So, I must conclude that:
  1. There are no coyotes left in Clinton County because Krueger shot them all, or
  2. Word is out that I am an excellent marksman and they all ran scared, or
  3. We have educated them enough that they aren't coming to our call, or
  4. It was too warm and early for them to be out this evening.
Of course I'm going with #2.

Some pics of tonight.

Looking E out of Krueger's stand towards Bond's woods

Looking W back into Krueger's woods

It's dark as we are leaving the woods.
Difficult to see anything in there now.

It was a nice night to be out with a buddy.  We celebrated with WeeMac and Point Special beers.
Cheers Y'All!


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