Bored? Not at the Ranch!

Sandy and I heard a news report from the UK that 80% of the people surveyed were bored for 2 hours per day.  Not sure the population that they surveyed, but we looked at each other and said that we can't remember being bored.  And work goes so fast we are not bored there either.  Wow.  Who are these people?

So we spent the weekend cleaning up the wood from the four trees we had dropped.  We hauled 5 wagon loads of wood and two trips of brush.  It was H-O-T.  But we did it without any complaints and we sure were not bored!

Two pictures of the wood we stacked behind the barn.

East side of barn facing South

Now facing North

If you find yourself getting bored, by all means give us a call.  We have plenty for everyone to do here on the Ranch!


  1. Pleased to see you got that all cleared up before my next visit ... I was becoming worried that I would get dragged in to assist with the effort!


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