Been a while - Starting Catch Up - MAY

Well at least one of y'all out there in the world wide web reads my blog.  Got some feedback that I have not been keeping it updated...and that's true.  It has been a very busy Summer.  So let's catch up.

We lost some trees to the emerald ash borer.  So I hired a service to drop them for me as they had to come down in pieces being so close to the house.  Now I have four trees on the ground that I have to clean up (cut, split, haul, stack, etc.).  It has been slow going as there are many other projects.  Read on...

Me and Davey Jones taking a break, drinking Alaskan beer, and chopping wood

I planted sweet corn three times, 2 weeks apart, 2 rows each time, 100 yards long.  Did I learn?  Sure.  Change the gears to plant farther apart.  Start on the inside and work out.  We don't need that much sweet corn.  We ended up picking over 300 DOZEN ears of corn.  All our friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family enjoyed it.  It was excellent corn!

I planted three plots of sunflowers.  It's almost like I am a real farmer.  What did I learn?  Spray the grass, fertilize, and tape off the seed plates so that they too can be planted farther apart.  The plot at Nick's did really well.  Kathy's plot, not so much.  The north plot did okay.  There were no seeds left by the time dove season rolled around.  I guess the wildlife really likes sunflowers.


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