Long-Range Shooting FEB 13

For Indiana, February has been an unusually warm month.  We have come close to 70 a few times.  And yes, we have also seen snow and freezing temperatures.  It's been interesting around here.
So when the weather turns nice, we like to take advantage of that.

It was about 44 degrees when Michael, Bill and I went out to Marshall's S farm.  We set up the bench and ranged the grain bin at 498 yards - close enough to call it 500 yards.  We measured the wind speed at four locations - at the shooting bench, at the target, and two locations in between.  We found the wind to be traveling W to E at 6 mph, 6, 14, and 14 mph, respectively.  Ok, maybe aim a little right to compensate for the crosswind.

Bill took the first shot.  From a cold bore, Bill gonged a 6" steel plate at 500 yards!  Now, I will also add that it took about another ten shots before he could repeat this amazing feat, but we all witnessed the first shot.
Bill Hester with his custom rifle in 6.5-284 shooting at 500 yards

I had previously shot my Ruger Precision Rifle in at 100 yards.  We turned the turrets to what we thought was appropriate for 500 yards, but it took about 20 shots to get it dialed in.  Once I did finally hit paper, I shot a 2" group!  Impressive for 500 yards.  And, I could gong the 12" steel plate at will.  The 6" plate, you ask?  It alluded me all day.

Kruger took his turn, also using a RPR in .243 caliber.  In fact, we used the same ammo - his personal hand loads.  He was good enough to hit the 6" plate, but we'll save him the embarrassment factor and not share how many times he had to shoot before he hit it.

Michael Krueger in his shooting stance with a RPR in .243

Somewhere WAAAY down there next to the tree line
is a grain bin with steel plates to shoot

I towed out my UTV to drive us to and from our targets.
It was certainly more time efficient.

We had a great day shooting in February of all months!  And all of us can sufficiently hit a stationary 12" target all day long at 500 yards.  Could any of us best Matthew Quigley?  Highly doubtful, but we just might give him a run for his money with our fancy rifles and optics.  I said "might"...
And if you have not seen Quigley Down Under, then shame on you!

Tom Selleck as Matthew Quigley in Quigley Down Under


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