Deer Season - Opening Day - Day 1

So today, Saturday, Oct 1, 2016, marks the opening day of archery season for deer in Indiana.  I had not yet even fired the crossbow this year - so unlike me not to be ready.  And, it was a bit damp (raining) this morning.  I slept in.

I got my gear ready, including clothes, and fired the crossbow.  It was still on.  I headed for the woods at 4 pm, with sunset hitting at 7:30 pm.  It was 63 F with 73% relative humidity.  I drove out to Vice's tree farm, parked, and put on my face paint.  I walked to the creek - remembering then that I forgot two things:  my suppressed .22 to pop squirrels and a semi-truck load of mosquito repellent.  Mama mia - those things would not quit.

I stalked to the creek and saw more squirrels today than I did the entire squirrel season.  I found a likely spot and hoped that if I stood still, the mosquitoes would leave.  Boy was I wrong.

I spent the entire time swatting and getting bit.  I have more bites than I can count and I only got to confirm 6 kills.  As manly as I thought I was, I was driven from the woods after one hour and fifteen minutes.  Those little blood suckers would not stop.

As I walked out, I jumped a small doe.  She ran and never offered a shot.  But at this point, I am counting that as a WIN.  I went to the woods, hunted (kinda), and saw deer.  Not all that relaxing today and I had to remove one glove and use it to swat for one hour and fifteen minutes.

Selfie - wearing glasses & home-made camo paint

Looking N on Vice's tree farm

Looking W - that's the creek just beyond the clearing

The end of the hunt - crossbow and beer!

Let them burn in Hell, where they belong!


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