A Partial Identity Theft???

So I get an email at my personal account (Gmail, not personal server like some presidential candidates). Said email says that my reservations to the Four Points in Cocoa Beach, Florida have been changed to include not only Robert Seager, but also Helen Endres. AND, it has been confirmed with a credit card and there is a $108 cancellation notice. I figure this is a phish. No way it can be real. So I leave my email and look up the Four Points hotel (by Sheraton). The phone number is the same. I call them. Son-of-a-biscuit, I DO have reservations! Sandy is wondering how I expect to (a) get to Florida over the Fourth, and (b) not get caught charging it to our credit card. And just who is Helen? At this point, I ask the hotel to cancel the reservation. They cannot. It was confirmed with Booking dot com. I have to call them. Well okay. I do. I tell them of my plight and ask what credit card was u...