African Safari - Hunt Day 6 - 23 AUG

Today is Sunday, our departure day.  But since RePhil does not have his wildebeest yet, we got up early and went out for a hunt.

We jumped the boogers early, but they were on to us.  We stalked for about 2 hours before finding them feeding on the ridge line - where we promptly got busted by a herd of blesbok.  We circled around and found a herd of zebras.  Jan called a 50% discount on the spot - normally zebras are $1,800; and this morning, RePhil could shoot one for $900.

After a quick consultation, I convinced RePhil that he would regret not doing it.  The price was NEVER going to be any cheaper and he was there now - do it!  Easier said than done.

The herd milled around together, so getting a clean shot on a stallion was tedious to say the least.  Once a male finally came open, they were 300 yards out and RePhil had been on the sticks, looking through his scope, for almost 5 minutes straight.  Fatigue was setting in.  The shot went wide and low.

We continued our pursuit of wildebeest and zebras until lunch.  No luck today.  On our way back to the lodge, we did come across an Egyptian cobra.  He was only about a 4-footer and was hunting mice.  We were more than happy to let him be...

You've got about an hour to make it to the hospital if bitten by this guy.

RePhil stalking wildebeest.
I'm sure there are no snakes in there!

We checked out, took a few photos and then headed off to the Johannesburg airport.

The lodge / accommodations of Africa Maximum Safaris in South Africa.
Beautiful place.  Excellent food.  Great people.

Me and our 25 yr old guide, Jan-Hendrik Liebenberg


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