African Safari - Hunt Day 3 - 20 AUG

Per usual, we got up at 5:30 this morning.  We ate breakfast and took it easy while waiting on permission from another concession.  Around 8 am or so, we took off on foot to chase blue wildebeest on Woodstock.

We came back to the lodge for lunch and relaxed until about 3 pm.  Then we went back out after wildebeest.  We chased them all over the place but never got a shot we could take.

Back to the lodge for showers and dinner.  All the other hunters/guests have left for the week.  We now have the entire facility to ourselves.

Today was very relaxing.  We sat around a lot and only walked about 3 miles.  Fine with us.  We have been busting our butts the last couple of days.  A little down time was graciously accepted, welcomed, and greeted with open arms.

We spent the lazy afternoon discussing religion, politics, the history of SA, previous hunts, and life in general.  Nothing died today, but it was time well spent.

My drink of choice is rum and coke.  Any rum will suffice, but if I'm picking it's Cap't Morgan or Kraken.  RePhil is a Jack & water or Jack and coke fan.  BUT, here in South Africa, there is a brandy called Richelieu.  One of the other PH's told us that if we had one, we would not drink anything else the rest of the week.  Right on.  This stuff is wonderful.  How many did we have?  Lost count...

Our new drink of choice - Richelieu and coke.  Yum!

For the record, it is against policy (not a law) to drink while hunting in SA.  Our coolers were filled with water and coke.  We only added alcohol after the sun went down and the guns were put away for the day.  Now a cold beer would have tasted wonderful after walking 10 miles in the heat - it just did not happen until we were sitting around the campfire that night.

We drank a local beer, Castle.  No complaints.


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