Rebuilt the Deck

 This project started in June.  Worked on it when the weather was not too hot or when I was not helping a buddy build a giant treehouse for his boys (this took 2 weeks).  Finally got it done by mid-October.  We did have to wait for some materials, but we certainly didn't overwork ourselves while doing it.  End product turned out awesome.  Putting in smaller pictures since there are so many.  Enjoy...

The old deck and railing with Grandson ready to assist.

Tearing the old decking off for reuse.  And yes, I made Mama help me!

Filling in the hole left by the removal of the hot-tub

Added a 45 degree angle on corner and putting in railing for steps

New decking installed and started on steps

Steps complete time to start on the new walkway

Moving dirt for new walkway

Support going in for new walkway

New walkway down, time for new approach blocks

New bricks and paver stones

New epoxy covering on stoop and garage apron

What about siding, you ask?  Yep, we are doing that too

The contractors I hired for the siding doing their thing

Grass seed coming in strong and the grandkids decorated pumpkins for us

The completed project.  Whew!
But it looks good!


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