Deer Season - Opening Day - 16 NOV 2024

 Nick had to film a college football game so he could not attend, but that did not stop me and Alex from going out on opening day in Indiana.

I picked up Alex at 6:45 and we hit the field at 0700.  The fellas hunting to our N were already there.  Alex started walking N before going E down the fence line on Neal.  I headed to the bottoms along the road.  I had not gone 50 yards when a truck pulled up so I stepped off the road.  It was the DNR - our local officer and a rookie he was training.  We caught up for a bit and then they offered me a ride down to the bridge, which I accepted.

There was a buck and a doe to my S across the property line.  I walked N.  I saw 9 deer and Alex missed two shots at a couple of the 11 deer he saw.  Coming home empty but we had a great time.

Sunrise from where Alex is sitting in the fence row

A look back to the NW where Alex missed two deer.
To be fair, the deer were not standing still.

This is the bottom ground where we are hunting on Marshall.
Look at the trail "highway" & every other tree has been rubbed.
Definitely some deer around here!


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