
Showing posts from March, 2021

Added Close to 10 miles at Amp

Krueger and I headed out after work Tuesday evening to get some laps in at the Lafayette Amphitheater.  The air temperature was close to 70F (21 C) and the winds were steady at 12 mph (19 kpm).  We arrived about 3:45 and put in 3 laps in an hour and 20 mins. It was just last August when I picked up mountain biking as an exercise.  On my first trip to The Amp, I couldn't even complete ONE lap without stopping to catch my breath.  This trip I put in three laps, didn't stop on the first lap at all and I kept my heart rate average to 145 bpm over the entire 10 miles.  Oh I'm still not good by any stretch, but I can see improvement! While we rode, we took some time to reflect on what I have learned since August: Have good equipment, especially a good bike Look up ahead on the trail, not down.  You are sure to hit a tree if you are looking at it. Wear padded shorts, your butt will Thank You Lean forward going uphill and lean back going downhill Shift gears often and stay in the h

Guess the Bird

Tonight, getting out of the shower, I noticed this on or through the window.  Anybody know what kind of bird that is? Unidentified object in bathroom window???   'Twas not too difficult for me and Grandma to figure it out, especially since the evidence was left on the sink countertop. It's the ever-elusive Purple Nail Polish Bird! The funny bit is that NO ONE knew what happened.  The polish "magically" moved from Grandma's shelf to the bathroom and painted the window.  We must have ghosts! Our best bet is that one 5 YO grandson is the "ghost" in question.  Not that it matters - gave us a laugh.

Broke In the Range @ 1,000 Yards

It warmed up to about 55 F (13 C) on this fine Saturday, 20 MAR 2021 with a slight 5-8 mph (8-13 kpm) wind coming from NE - E.  Krueger came over about 1400 and we took the Gator out to the range. We shot in at 100 yards and then worked our way back to 1,000 yards with confirmed hits at 200, 300, 500, 700, 900, and 1,000 yards. And yes, when we rung steel at 1,000 yards we had a celebratory brewski. Kruger was shooting his 6XC & his 6.5 Creedmoor.  I was using my .243 with an ATN night vision (IR) scope.  I finally got it zeroed at 100 yards.  It's ready to stalk coyotes in the dark now! It was really muddy today as we got 2" (5 cm) of rain on Thursday so we did not take the trailer out with the shooting benches.  Instead, Krueger laid prone on his sniper mat and I shot from my Bog Pod tripod.  At 1,000 yards, the elevation would not let us see the target from the ground.  So, we went and got my F150 and we shot out of the bed of the truck. It's been proven - if you ar

Riding Kickapoo State Park 13 MAR 2021

I drove over and picked up Krueger at 0900 Saturday morning.  We headed West and picked up Brad (another State Trooper) at his house and then on about another hour West to Kickapoo State Park in Danville, IL. Michael and Brad ended up with 10 miles of trails because they took two extra trails that I did not ride (Heaven & Hell and Trail #9).  They were tired, but I was more so.  Cardio kicked my behind at Kickapoo.  I've lost just about all of the gains I had last Fall over the winter.  Need to get back out and ride some more. It was a chilly morning, but I logged 8 miles before my lungs gave out.  We grabbed a bite to eat on the way home and then pounded the aspirin to numb the pain. I did get a little cocky and took ONE jump.  Everything went well until the landing.  My right foot came off the pedal and it road up my shin - adding a few new bumps and about four wounds that drew blood. We had a good time and it was nice to be back out again. Our route around Kickapoo State Par

Bike's Back - Time to Ride

Had some annual maintenance performed on the Mt. Bike.  A few tweaks later and it's ready to make it for the rest of 2021. Took off today from my house with Krueger.  He had already logged 17 miles on his way to my house.  Kinda 'round about way to get here from there since it can't be 5 miles betwixt us! Anyway, we took off from my house, headed E on Gasline out past Marshall's N farm.  Turned S until we hit Camp Cullom Road (200N).  Took that all the way back to Krueger's house where cold Yuengling Light's were our reward for over 8 miles of biking. Glad the weather is finally cooperating enough to allow us to get out.  It was about 49 F (9C) but the damn wind seemed to Always be in our face.  Oh well.  Nice ride.