Deer Season - One Week Later - No deer

So Kathy, Eric, and I went out to the golf course again on Saturday, 21 NOV.  It was warmer, like 45 F (7 C) and the wind was down.

Kathy sat in the bowl on Hole #15.  Eric was overwatch on Hole #16. And I went to the N line on #12's tee box.  We sat for 2.5 hours and did not see a deer.  The squirrels were out, but not the deer.

As we left, we chatted with Ken.  He said that he had not seen a deer all week after we were there opening morning.  Guess the message was received.

This is my view this morning looking SW across the course

I guess I picked the wrong tree.  This one belongs to Mr. Squirrel.
He came down pretty close, yelled at me, and then left.


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