Helicopter on Ranch - Certified Big Deal!

So the farmer that is renting our property W of us hired a helicopter to spray the field.  The helicopter landed at the curve in our driveway as it is flat and void of any power lines.

While he was waiting on the tanker truck to arrive, Alex and I took Will to see it up close.  This was a certified big deal to a 4.5 year old.

The pilot was very kind.  He came over and talked with us until the taker got there.  Then he lifted off and promptly landed on the truck to fill up.  Of course proper social distancing did occur.

The tanks on the chopper are small, and he was only able to make two passes before he had to land and refill again.

Will and Alex watched him spray from a safe distance so as not to get any chemicals on them.

It was a good day!

The pilot walking back to his bird after a quick chat.

The helicopter on TOP of the pump truck, loading up on spray.
We were close until it came time to spray.  Then we watched from the porch.


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