6.5 CM Load Development

Well I ain't got much better to do when the weather won't cooperate and we're all stuck at home, so I worked up a load for my 6.5 Creedmoor.

I utilized Scott Satterlee's 10 Round Load Development test method (which is available all over the internet).  I found 2 nodes for the specific bullet weight I was using (120 grain).  I went with the higher powder grain weight in hopes of filling the case and therefore maintaining better consistency (so I thought).

From there, I started playing with bullet seating depth and shot 5 rounds each of bullets seated at -10, -20, and -30 thousandths off the lands of the barrel (do the math, that's 15 rounds total).  I found that I was not able to get adequate accuracy from this bullet and gave up on it.  Oh, I will add here that I am shooting all bullets with my SureFire suppressor on the firearm. 

I then switched to two heavier bullets and performed the same tests as outlined above.  The heaviest bullet, a 147 grain Hornady, punched the paper well enough to consider it my choice for hunting.

What struck me as odd was that RePhil was able to shoot the lighter bullets very well from his gun - and they are the exact same make & model - Browning X-Bolts from their custom shop.  So the gun is capable.  Maybe it's the user?

So, having plenty of time on my hands, I went back to the Satterlee test and picked a node that was about 1 grain lighter than before for the 120 grain bullets.  I loaded up 5 rounds each, seated at different depths, and returned to the range.

What I was able to accomplish with this load shocked me.  Using the -10 thousandths loads, I put all 5 rounds into one ragged hole from 100 yards.  The group measured 0.53" (13.4mm) across.  I was seated at a bench, the front of the gun was supported by a rubber block, the rear of the gun was on my shoulder with my elbow resting on the bench.  No Caldwell rest.  Just me and the gun.

I am not sure that my poor eye-sight can produce anything better with the set-up as it is.  I consider it magical and I was quite happy with those results.  Needless to say, I came back to the bench and loaded up the remaining bullets I had - and then I ordered 200 more!

I am not sure if this bullet becomes a hunting round or not, but for sure I can take it out to 1,000 yards and play with it.  Should I miss, I cannot blame the components, only the nut at the end of the butt plate.

Happy with this?  Proud?  Damn Straight!


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