Pheasants in Nebraska

RePhil, Davey, and I met A-A Ron in Sioux City, Iowa and drove to meet Kent Burget in Winnetoon, Nebraska for a long week-end of busting pheasants.

Winnetoon is located just 20 miles S of the Missouri River and 2 hours due W from Sioux City in the NE corner of the state, or the middle of no where!

The accommodations are fantastic.  Kent has a 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom, full kitchen "cabin."  We took some of our own food, but we also tasted some of the local cuisine as well.

We hunted both public and private land, and saw more birds than we have seen in a long time.  Kent's two dogs, Layla & Bailey, worked great.  Lots of solid points.  If we would have been better shots, we could have limited out.  Alas, pheasant hunting is tough.  You walk through grass that is waist high to head high - because that's where the birds are.

We ended up bagging 10, but the killing of birds was not our sole purpose.  It was being out with good friends, telling lies, and occasionally shooting a bird or two.

We had a great time and are planning a return trip.  It sure beats the longer drive to North Dakota.

Walking through some REALLY TALL grass

Father (RePhil) & Son (A-A Ron) with some birds

I "Tom Sawyer-ed" those guys in to cleaning all my birds!

We walked a total of 20 miles through this stuff.
It was a workout!

RePhil was talking on his Apple Watch to his wife while trying to cross a fence.
He did not make it over the fence and took a Face Plant.
He kept talking to The Boss though.
Please note:  Safety First.  Davey had RePhil's gun BEFORE he tried to cross the fence.

Found this 'old' print of an Englishman hunting pheasants circa 2018.


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