Mulberry Weather Station - Weather Underground

I purchased an Acu-Rite weather station pro for the farm.  It has the digital indoor display and then an outdoor sensor that picks up temperature, humidity, rain, wind speed, wind direction, and barometric pressure.  The indoor unit plugs into the computer and uploads data.

I set it up on Weather Underground.  If you are here in Mulberry, it's pretty easy to find.  Go here:
and the temperature readout closest to our house is my station.  I labeled it 'Seager Ranch.'

I am pretty sure if you log in to WU from another location, it will give you the weather stations at your current location.  But for those local, you can find out why they call it "Hyper Accurate" weather, because it's right outside our back doors!  But hey, even if you are in another location, you can always adjust the map to good ole Mulberry, Indiana.

It takes the station about a week to learn how to predict better weather.  But soon it should be providing some accurate short-term forecasts.  Ought to be awesome.

A sample picture of the indoor display unit

The outdoor unit.  The solar panel runs a fan to ensure the unit does not overheat.


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