Block Personal EMP with HECS???

I do not care if you believe your body emits electro-magnetic energy or not.  If you've ever been in the woods for an extended amount of time, you will find that animals are keenly aware of your presence well before you are of theirs.  Why is that?  Sure, some of it is due to movement and odors.  But I suggest that the animals are sensing things that we humans, long ago, forgot how to.  

Enter HECS.  A clothing system that hides your "energy."  
Does it work?  I don't know.  It seems to have some very compelling stories.  In other words, I think that yes, there is something to this.  

I also think that there are other methods to disguise your energy and intent that make these articles of clothing unnecessary.  But since not everyone knows how or can do this, maybe you ought to consider giving this a try.

I might even invest a couple hundred of my own greenbacks and give it a try.  There does seem to be lots of 'stories' to support it works.  I would prefer to let my own experiences determine my opinion.

What do you think?


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