African Safari - Flights / Costs / Lessons Learned
My original thought was to put these three items in separate blog posts so they would be easier to search. On second thought, who will ever be searching my blog? Right-o, one post... The flight we took to SA and back, Delta 200, is the Longest Flight in the World. Look it up. No other flight is in the air continuously more hours than this one. Total - 16 Hours! Prepare yourself mentally. I looked at it as a challenge. The only way I get to hunt Africa is by taking the plane. So, it's part of the trip. We did upgrade to Economy Plus - and at a minimum, I suggest you do the same. It was only $200 more. Total flight costs were $2,000. Indy to Atlanta to Johannesburg & reverse. The drinks, food, movies, and WIFI are "free." Yeah, you paid for them already. There is just no extra charge for them on the plane. Again, Google (TM) Delta 200. There are folks who have already written ...