Prairie Dogs 2015

Early in June, Krueger, Nick, and I took Dave Porrill (from the UK) to Texas for our annual prairie dog pilgrimage.  We blew through about 1,400 rounds of .223 and 6.5 Creedmoor.  And yes, we had a blast.  Lots and lots of stories.  Numerous animals were killed.  We gave them a quicker fate than the poison the remainder will soon eat.

Wow, the area was GREEN.  Due to all the rain, it was no longer a desert.  Most lush we have ever seen it.  We stayed for a week and then were forced to return home to earn enough cash to go back again next year.

If you have the hankerin' and can stomach some dead animals, I created a journal of the trip (as I always do).  Beautiful PowerPoint presentation with music and photos.

Great time was had by all.  We even stopped by the Big Texan and the Palo Duro State Park on our way home.  Can't wait to go back.

Dave at the state line.

The 2015 gang on the prairie.  Note the green.

A beautiful shot of the valley.

Dave after hiking the canyon, on our way home.


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