Robinson v. Seager New Year's Football Game

Boppum got an email from Brett Robinson wishing them a Happy New Year.  Said email included a picture of his family and a note to pass along to Trent and me.  It went something like this...

Wish Trent and Craig my best and tell them that if I were back in Indiana, Todd and I would have kicked their asses at football this year.

I had just told the kids (Kathy, Alex, Nick, and Shelby) last night about how we used to play 2-hand touch football every New Year's Eve back at G&G's - regardless of the weather.  It would be Brett and Todd Robinson versus Trent and I.  If I recall correctly, the Seagers usually were annual champions.  There may have been a time or two (nothing more) that the Robinsons won; but that was RARE indeed.

Most times, someone would have to come out and give us the countdown so we could make it back inside for the celebration.  After a quick warm up inside, we were right back at it again.

I can't tell you how many football games we played over the years, but I know that we tore that grass up out there as much running as we did.

The "old field" was E of Dad's garden, right along the edge of the field (out of bounds).  It ran North and South, with the trash can being the end zone.  Grandpa's barn is in the N end zone now.  We'd probably have to play E and W now.

Regardless, I fear time has worn away Brett's memory about all the times he got his ass handed to him.  Maybe it's taken years of therapy for him to get over it.  Regardless, happy memories!


  1. I believe a "re-match" as it were would include several 911 calls as our players hit the field. They are not as young & spry as they once were and the end results of those passing years might be more crippling than one might think. :) But, yes, good times were had by all!


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