Deer Day 5 - Thanksgiving Morning Success
Four of us went out this morning - two to Marshall and two to Neal. We started in the barn at 6:45 am. Legal hunting light was 7:20 and we only had a 5 minute drive anyway. We had a toast - see previous post - and then headed out. I walked to the bridge and cut in along the creek. I wasn't 15 yards into the grass when a small buck came walking directly at me. I dropped to a knee and waited for a good shot. He kept coming until a car passed along the road - then he grew suspicious of me, exposed in the grass. When he turned quartering to, I put a 300 BO through his left front shoulder. He ran maybe 50 yards and dropped. At about 9:30, Nick started walking S to help me drag the buck while Alex and Harrison walked off Neal back to the truck. Nick jumped ten deer and they scattered at his attempted shot. No more deer. Nick made it down to the bottoms and pushed three doe to me. When one turned broadside at 20 yards, I p...