Comet Photos 20 OCT 2024

Sandy and I have gone out the past three nights trying to find the comet.  Day one, naked-eye and binoculars.  No dice.  Day two - too late as it was over the horizon.  Day 3, still could not see by our eyeballs, but our phones did a nice job of getting some good shots.

All photos taken on an iPhone 15 Pro Max.  No adjustments made.  Standard settings.  Venus was visible to the SW, very low on the horizon.  Comet favoring W-SW, not due W.  The yellow colors at the bottom of the photos are light pollution from Lafayette, not the sunset.  Time of the photo is 7:59 pm EST.  Location, just W of Mulberry, Indiana.  Latitude 40.344688, Longitude -86.665123.

This bad boy is currently (just) 57 million miles away from Earth and moving away fast...


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