Doves @ the Ranch - Saturday, Sept. 03 2022

 I got up early Saturday morning and made some venison biscuits and gravy.  Folks showed up at 0700 to eat and we headed for the fields at 7:30 or so.

Zach and Eric sat at the N side of the sunflowers where I had not sprayed but had mowed a path for the birds.  Kathy & Alex took Will & Hadley to the S side of the sunflowers, where I had sprayed and also mowed a path.  Sykes and I went to the pond.  Mojo decoys were flapping all around.

The Martin family hunting together

Will and Hadley ready to hunt some mourning doves.

Hadley marching off to her sit spot with chair and BB gun

Doves were flying, but they were slow.  Not at all like opening day down South.  And I will share that more shots were taken than birds in the pot.

I think the total ended like this:

  • Zach = 4, but that includes 1 split with Eric and 1 split with Kathy
  • Kathy = 1 split with Zach
  • Eric = 1 split with Zach
  • Alex = zero (never fired a shot)
  • Craig = zero (took one long shot over pond and whiffed)
  • Tony = 1 solo that landed in the pond
So all told, that's 5 birds.  I cleaned them as folks went home for lunch and a nap.

Will and "his" dove

Will poses with his retrieve

Eric, Papaw, Will, and Alex around pond.
Photo complements of Sykes

Will and Daddy walking around pond after an unsuccessful stalk on doves.

Sykes posing with the 5 birds and 5 empty shells.
We sent this photo to Nick with the caption "5 birds in 5 shots!"

Will and Daddy heading off to stalk more doves

A smaller group went out Saturday evening to hunt again - Kathy, Alex, Zach, Nick, and me.  We shot 6 more doves and missed at least that many.  Nick had a couple of great shots from his seat - he was on.  Did he miss a few?  Yep, but we all did.  In fact, I think Nick shot 5 and I shot 1.  I heard Alex shoot and then "Dang It!" so I am sure he missed.

Great day enjoying a little slice of Heaven on the Seager Ranch!

Beautiful mid-Western sun going down over the corn


  1. Let the record show Alex did not say “dang it” as he missed…


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