Are we real farmers now?

 The sweet corn is coming on like gangbusters now.  Sandy picked over 30 dozen ears yesterday and that's not including all we have eaten or given away already - and that's only HALF of the crop.  I think we may have finally figured this deal out - well after a mishap early on with too much herbicide.  I will just say, it's probably best to go with the manufacturer's recommendation and not what "experts" think you should apply.  Long story short - we almost didn't get any sweet corn!

Along with that, the sunflowers are starting to bloom.  They're looking good.  This was by a happy accident and not good planning.  While we did get the grass burned off, the ground fertilized and tilled appropriately, and planting in early, there was an issue with a chain on one of my planters.  Thus, only half of the sunflowers got planted.  This is a good thing though as if they all got put into the ground, they would have been way overcrowded.  As it turns out, this is our best crop to date.  Still only about 5' (1.5 m) tall, but dang near 100% of what we planted grew!  They are putting out heads and plenty of seeds for the wildlife.  

Sunflowers blooming.  Only about a third are open right now,
but they are looking great!

So are we real farmers yet?  Not even close.  One day maybe, but not now.  Hey, at least we won't starve to death on the farm...

I took this sunset picture as I returned from delivering 15 dozen ears of corn to Kathy.  Sandy posted this photo and a few of hers to FB.  Pretty amazing!

Sun setting over pond, July 30, 2022


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