Mt. Biking and Injuries

 Son-in-law Alex said I need to take up another hobby as every time I hit the mt. biking trails I end up with injuries.  I'm not quite that bad, but I am not that good either.

Sunday was a gorgeous day, starting at 40F and marching up to 65F (18C).  We loaded up at 9, in the sunshine, and headed S to Fort Benj. Harrison State Park - Krueger has a park pass and we bought bike passes in the Spring.  Entry was free.

We hit only one trail and went easy as we were out of practice.  It has been damp and the leaves covered the trails.  Krueger bought it early around a sharp corner - no traction.  A little mud, but hard on the shoulder.  Me?  I did not get my weight forward on a drop and bounced my right leg into the pedal.  I made the next drop and then walked down the third.  

We had a good time.  Not many other bikers, but lots of walkers on the trails.

We rolled N and were done in about 3.5 hours.  I spent the rest of the day on the lawn mower - on 07 NOV.  Come on, Mother Nature.  What's that all about?

Again, it was a nice day - completed with an awesome sunset!

Beautiful sunset on Sunday evening!
07 NOV 2021

This is what a bike pedal can do to your shin.
No stitches required.

Dirt on Krueger's leg.  Not much damage.  Slacker!

The details of the loop we took at Fort Benjamin Harrison State Park.


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