Dove Opener @ The Ranch 2021

 Dove season officially opened on 01 SEP here in Indiana.  We waited until Sunday, the 5th, to bring folks out to hunt them here.  Sadly, we have not been seeing any doves as we have close to 40 thousand barn cats and a mating pair of Cooper's Hawks flying around.  Doves are sparse to say the least!

That did not deter us from having a great breakfast of venison biscuits and gravy before setting out the decoys.  We sat until lunchtime, bagging an entire ONE dove that we promptly cleaned and grilled.  We had Snow Goose poppers (thanks to Sykes), venison loins & salami (thanks to Eric) and carrot cake (thanks to my wife).

There may have been a beer or two consumed during this time.  Lunch was followed by naps and since there were no doves to be shot, we called it a day.

The 2021 crew escaped before we could take a group photo but included, Nick, Eric, Michael, Zach, Alex, Will, and myself.  Dad came out for lunch but didn't partake in not shooting any doves.

Will with his "new" BB gun, hunting with his new camo clothes and Daddy Alex.

Take a look at how Will is admiring his weapon!
He said, "I've been waiting on this!" as I handed him the BB gun.
Introduce them young.  As Ted Nugent always says,
"Take your kids hunting so you don't have to hunt for your kids!"  AMEN

Will 'practicing' on dove decoys.  Good aim.

Inspecting his 'kills'

Zach, Michael, and Eric waiting on...nothing!

This decoy had wings that flapped.  Will named it 'Handful' because it
was a handful!  Hilarious.

Pa Jerry just finished lunch.


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