Stepping on Stigma - Mental Health Awareness 5k


Healthy Communities of Clinton County ( hosted a charity 5k run/walk on Saturday, 15 MAY 2021.  Since Kathy works for HCCC, she was in charge of the event.  Sandy & I registered and attended with Alex, Will, Hadley, Grandma Barb, and Grandpa Bill.

Since the kids were present, the challenges were numerous.  Attention span and boredom were the two biggies.  We ended up walking past the animal enclosure the first time without incident.  The second time?  Nope.  We had to go locate the peacocks.  From there it was directly to the playground.

It matters not that we didn't complete the circuit.  It matters that we donated to a worthy cause and spread the word about mental health awareness.  You know what?  We had fun along the way.

This is our route of 1.3 miles out of the 3.1 total
(or 2.1 km out of 5 km total - right?  It's a bloody 5k afterall!)

The green arrow is where we went to find the peacocks.
The yellow box shows our playground activity - like that was hard to figure out!


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