Update - This Old Bell

Back in late November (the 27th to be exact) I created a post relative to a bell we had here on the farm, how it has always been a staple, and how it was utilized to save Grandpa Seager's life.  Please scroll back and read that post if you have not or have forgotten what I presented.  [On the left side, click on Archive.  Click on Show More.  Click on November and look for the post called "This Old Bell."]  I will tell you this fact - it was my most read post of all time.  It was seen by OVER 60 people.  That has got to be about half the people I even know.

This post is an update or addendum to that one.  The weather has finally broken and allowed me to get the bell planted in its new home, where I hope it stays for another three or more generations.

The ole C.S. Bell & Co. bell in its new home after being cleaned
and freshly painted.

You are looking at the flower bed we created from the three large rocks that sat around the flag pole, due E of the driveway into our property.  Dad make the stand for our Hoosier Homestead* signs.  I tacked on an Accurite weather station (the yellow / brown thing sticking off the right of the signs) to provide us with temperature, humidity, wind speed, rainfall, and barometric pressure.  Sandy planted the flowers.  And yes, it's overcast and raining.  In fact, we have had 1.3 inches of rain today. 

Although it was Sandy's idea to put the bell in this location, I told her I was taking the credit. So I think my great idea has turned out to be quite fantastic.  It looks good there, like a sentinel, standing guard, ready to be used if the situation warrants.  It just fits.  I think Grandma Betty & Grandpa Bob would be proud.

*Hoosier Homestead
Indiana recognizes 100, 150, and 200 years of family owned farms producing more than 20 acres of crops.  We have passed the 100 year goal (blue sign), reached the 150 year mark (green sign) and are closing in on the 200 year award (it will be a brown sign), as we can trace the family ownership of this property back my paternal grandmother's side at least 9 generations. 

Another Update:  30 MAY
Had a youngster "find" the bell today and show us just how it works.  The answer is "Really WELL" for those who could not hear it at their house!  Joyous to see...


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