Processing Deer 2018

Well we have had about 8 deer in the freezer waiting for a day that we could all get together and process them.  I do have to give a shout out to Bill H.  He went to Texas and helped a ranch cull their deer herd.  He had so many tags to fill that he brought me back six deer.  Thank you, Thank You!

It may sound like a lot of meat, but the deer in Texas are not like the deer here in Indiana.  The six deer I got only provided 100# of meat.  But hey, that's more than I had.  Recall from earlier posts that I got O-Ferred this year.  Nada.  So I'll take it.  Nick and Davey helped me clean and bag those deer.

So anyway, we spent most of the day yesterday, Saturday, 21 APR processing deer (Nick added his two to the pot, for another 75#).  Nick, Davey, Alex, and I drove down to Rob V's in Montezuma, IN.  Rob made us a wonderful breakfast and then we got to work.

We put in 18# of deer, 7# of pork and seasonings before grinding it twice.  Then we pushed out brats and breakfast sausage.  The remainder of the deer we just ground by itself.  We all ended up with some excellent venison for the freezer.  Rob even threw in some Chorizo sausage that he made.

There may have been some beer consumed during the day, but I can neither confirm nor deny that we drank Modello and Rob's home brew of Reindeer Slobber.  There may have been a Spotted Cow or two that also bit the dust.  I had to limit myself as I was the driver.  Those other fools?  Well, we had to make a pit stop so they could use the facilities on the way home.

We spent the day laughing, telling stories, and basically making fun of each other.  It was a great time and it was good to see Rob again.  We had not been down there in 2 years.  Apparently we need to up our game on deer hunting.

A large wheel of brats coming out of the stuffer

You're looking at the inside of a cooler.
When it started the day, it had 36 Modello's and 3 waters.
We now have ONE Modello and 3 waters.
That, that right there is a good day!


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