Some Early 'Yote Hunting

But wait, you say, coyote hunting does not open until 15 OCT 2017 in Indiana.  So how can you be hunting them already and still be legal?  Great question.  According to the regulations, land owners may take coyotes at any time without a special permit or license - or, they may provide written permission for others to take coyotes on their behalf on land they own.  We fall into that latter category.

We rolled out at 0500 Sunday morning and headed N at 0540.  Our target location was a farm along the Wabash River, between Delphi and Logansport.  We were on our first set by the time it was just barely light enough to see without artificial light.  All the crops are in and there was CRP grass on the other side, so visibility was tough.  We called until sunrise with no luck.

We moved to the W edge of the property where we had longer shooting lanes.  We called again, with no luck.  I will add that the Mojo decoy was broken, so all we had was the call.

Our morning ended in the field with zero coyotes seen and zero shots fired.  We saw ducks, heard geese, saw 5 doe and one buck, and had a nice long walk in the brisk morning air - it was 53 F when we started.

So we drove back into Delphi and ate breakfast at the Sandwich Shop - my first ever visit there.  They put on a pretty good spread.  A nice family of four came in - mom, dad, and two daughters (maybe ages three and one).  As a nice treat, we bought their breakfast for them.  See?  We aren't total jerks!  Maybe just 75% jerk.

We came back to load up the tractor and mow some sunflowers - hoping to draw in more doves.

And then our plan was to go catch our lunch in the pond.

Looking out over the field, waiting for coyotes to show up.  Spoiler alert - They never did.
The Wabash River is directly behind me in this picture.

MPK ready to walk back out - pondering where all the coyotes could be...

Sun coming up over CRP.


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