Christmas Stair Picture

From time immemorial, it has been the custom at Boppum Barb's and Pa Jerry's that BEFORE anyone could open Christmas gifts, you had to line up on the stairs and get a picture taken.  As an adult, I can see the value of capturing those memories on film (or digital media today).  You can look back through the years and see how everyone has changed.  However, as a kid, this was pure TORTURE.  I cannot imagine a worse fate than waiting ONE MORE MINUTE to tear into those gifts.

So, we have taken to doing the same thing in the household of Craig & Sandy - but with a twist.  We "theme" our stair pictures.  In the past we've done Thugs, Guns, and Alcohol.  Here is this year's version.

Full Camo Stair Picture Christmas 2013

And for the record, if we add any more generations to the family tree OR our butts get any bigger, we might have to modify how we take pictures at Mom & Dad's.....just sayin' those stairs ain't gonna hold us all!


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