
Showing posts from July, 2021

New Bak Industries RevolverX4s installed on 2021 F150

I do NOT work for Bak Industries.  I paid full price for these products from Bak Industries' website.  I did NOT receive any incentive to write my opinions in this blog.  I'm calling it as I see it.  That's all.  UPDATE :  Bak Industries has sent me a full replacement cover to fix the issue I had noted below.  All they asked for in return were pictures of the problem and proof that the 'broken' cover has been properly destroyed.  Wow.  Great / Awesome Customer Service!  Thanks! If you go waaaay back in my posts to 2017, you will find that I installed a Bak Industries Revolver tonneau cover on my 2017 F150.  After 4 years of abuse, it got turned in with the truck when I traded for a new F150. Mind you, I NEVER performed ANY maintenance on this old cover.  It occasionally got washed, but I never treated it with anything.  I'll bet that half the time it was left open to the elements (not rolled down).  I am betting that had I performed proper maintenance, none of t

iPhone not Charging!

 So off and on, I have had an issue when plugging the charger into the bottom port of my iPhone.  Maybe it was to charge, but more often than not it was to transfer photos to my computer. Of course Nick would say, "Buy a Samsung!"  And he'd be wrong. This really wasn't an issue as I have been charging wirelessly.  But when I went to put grandkids' birthday photos onto Mama's computer - none of my three cords would connect. A quick search of all things internet, and I found this YouTube(TM) video.  This dude was on it.  I didn't even watch the entire 4 mins.  2 minutes in and I got this. Sure enough - it worked!  I guess that 2 years' worth of dust, dirt, grime, and lint would not allow the charger to go all the way in to make a proper connection.  Some compressed air and a sharp metal instrument (my pocket knife) and the port was cleaned in less time than it took to watch this video. I am getting nothing in return from posting this.  I just want others

South African Safari June 2021

 And about a week after our annual prairie dog trip (see post below), Kathy, Alex, Nick, and I took off for a South African Safari with John X Safaris. We left Indy to Newark to Johannesburg.  We spent the night in Jo-burg since we arrived too late for the last flight to Port Elizabeth.  We got up a 4 am to catch the flight down to the coast and then drove about 2 hours E along the coast to the John X Safaris hunting grounds, arriving Saturday about Noon.  We ate a quick lunch and then off to the range. After proving our proficiency with the rental guns, we took a drive to the top of the plains (about 2,000' above sea level).  We saw a nice Impala that Alex shot.  First Day success! Alex with his PH Martin inspecting the impala The daily routine was to get up in the morning at 6:30, eat a light breakfast, then go hunt until lunch.  Back to the lodge for a meal then a quick nap.  We headed out again about 3 pm and hunted until sundown.  We returned for showers and cocktails before d

New Mexico Prairie Dog Hunting 2021

 Yes, I am quite a bit behind in my blog updating.  Been quite a busy month.  Me, RePhil, Michael, and Heath (freshman dog hunter) went to visit with Tanner in Amistad, NM to hunt prairie dogs and coyotes over the Memorial Day holiday week. And yes, a great time was had by all.  Killed quite a few prairie dogs (not as many as we shot at) and a few coyotes.  Never saw a snake.  Had a great Day Trip to the Valley.  And also there was some awesome weather including severe thunderstorms with hail. During the storms, the cabin took a lightning hit.  Blew out the internet router and burnt the wall.  That was too close to a fire for us.  Then we also lost power.  We had to use the facilities that Mother Nature provided.  Dave P. understands this very well. We did take Heath to the Palo Duro Canyon state park in Tx.  Sadly, the entire free world was there too.  We had to wait in line for 20 mins just to get in!  Sure is pretty though.  And, we finally (FINALLY) got Heath to put the hammer down